Frequently Ask Questions

Getting Started? Overwhelmed by all the information on this website?

Worry not, this page contains simplified answer to your question.

I. General
We are a global Managed Service Provider that is full of passionate individuals about IT and this reflects in everything we do. We invite you to give us a try, learn why our existing customers have been with us for so long and explore the potential synergies & success!
We deliver first-class IT support to our worldwide customers located all across the USA, Europe, South Africa, India, Pakistan, South East Asia and also China.
We are open 24/7 and provide true round-the-clock support through our “follow-the-sun approach” observed by our Global Service Desk and Network Operations Center teams
Our services are not limited by the type of industries or verticals of our customers, we support all enterprises and organizations. From Fortune 500 organizations to SMBs, we are able to provide solutions to most requirements
Our support teams are all university graduates and highly skilled professionals. They continuously receive internal training to keep up-to-date with latest technologies. They hold certificates such as CompTIA A+, Cisco Certified Network Professional, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, VMware Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Professional and many more
Email us at anytime or call our US hotline + 1 877 350 3300. Our Service Desk Portal is also available and updated frequently with knowledge base and support documentation plus service announcements
Yes of course. We are flexible and ready to help anytime to anyone. Depending on the situation, we can provide up to 1 hr support for free as part of initial consultation (terms and conditions apply). For all other ad-hoc requests, we have a competitive standard hourly rate. Please contact our Sales team for further information
Yes, we have staff working across three shifting schedules – day, swing and night and can customize a support coverage schedule depending on your requirements
Yes, during local holidays, for ex. our US office will be closed. However limited support will be available as our Global Service Center still operates 24/7 and we have minimal staff on duty during holidays to field Priority 1 tickets or emergency cases
Yes, we have field engineers available, please contact us with the requirements and we can provide more details
We utilize the latest industry standard tools and technology that are appropriate for the tasks needed and perform regular technology assessments to review their effectiveness
Our goal is to meet your business needs by balancing support resources vs your subscribed service plan(s). For more information, please refer to our published Service Level Agreement (SLA) policy.
At MotivIT, security is a key priority. We utilize layered security across our environment to ensure nothing is compromised. For more information, please refer here.
Yes, standard NDAs are available upon request and we sign with all customers that require it
We guarantee to deliver best-in-class IT service. In an event you need to escalate, please contact your Account Manager for assistance or email for the highest level escalation which is monitored exclusively by our Executive management team
II. Products & Services
Software Development
We provide the following services:
  • • Content Management
  • • Applications Development
  • • Web & Mobile App Development
  • • Systems Development
  • • UI/UX Design
Our team will first review and analyze your project requirement and from that, we will provide our best cost and time estimate. If you are okay with the estimation, a detailed project proposal will be sent out for review and signatory. Once signed, our developers can officially initiate and start the project
MotivIT in-house developers are following all systems development lifecycle (SDLC) best practices including:
  • 1. Planning
  • 2. Requirement Analysis and Data Gathering
  • 3. Designing
  • 4. Development
  • 5. Testing and Debugging
  • 6. Deployment
Our developers are well-versed with the following technologies:
  • • Web Development
  • ‣ JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JQuery, PHP, Vue.js, Node.js, Bootstrap, WordPress
  • • Database
  • ‣ MySQL, MSAccess, SQLite
  • • Software, Android and iOS Application
  • ‣ Java, Kotlin, Swift, Ionic, Phonegap
It depends on the scale of the project, on average for most projects we assign 3 to 5 developers
We have a strict Quality Control team and process to test and evaluate the project across all deliverables and milestones thoroughly. We will also ask for your assistance to help with the test to ensure we meet your requirements and expectations
As security is our utmost priority, we aim to ensure all applications and websites are 100% secure and bug free before deploying into production. General basic security measures includes:
  • • SSL Certificate
  • • Applying HTTP Security Headers and Content Security Policy
  • • Password Encryption using Password Hashing
We provide free one month support after the deployment of majority of our projects. For continuous support, we offer maintenance and management service plan. Please discuss further with our Sales team
Cloud Services
We offer the following scalable solutions for your business technology needs:
  • • Microsoft Azure and Office 365
  • • Amazon Web Services
  • • Email and Webserver Hosting
  • • Data Backup
  • • Secure File Encryption, Transfer Management
  • • Virtualization Services
Lower operational costs is the immediate benefit, customers no longer need to worry about physical hardware breaking down and can also take advantage of the flexibility and scalable nature of using the cloud to increase or decrease your usage requirements in real-time
Yes, all deployed cloud solutions have the necessary security architecture in-place and together with regular security reviews and ensuring best practices are followed there is good reasons to trust that data accessed and stored on the cloud is safe
Yes, we have successfully conducted many projects in migrating client’s on premise environment to the cloud
Business Processing Outsourcing
Our Global Service Center is located in the Philippines which consistently emerged as the top offshoring destination
Yes, recordings are available. We will send you a copy of voice recordings upon request
Yes, we maintain a pool of professional and reliable agents you can speak with and choose from. Usually this is done after contract signing to ensure the availability of the agents (who may be seconded to other customers and/or projects)
We have both shared and dedicated agents available with both support models each having their pros and cons and ultimately depends on your exact needs which we can advise further
After contract signing and any security deposits made, it takes a minimum of 2 to 4 weeks to select and begin training your staff. The time frame may vary as well depending on the candidate’s availability and/or if they are required to render notice to their current employer
When you first on-board your staff, we will work with you to help develop a timeline and plan for the team’s training. This will become the basis of all future on-boarding for new staff to your team. Once the initial training plan is developed, we will work with you further improve the training plan by incorporating input from your existing and senior agents
When one of your staff members notifies us that they are unable to attend a schedule shift, you will be updated as soon as possible. Shared agents model will not be directly impacted as there would be other agents cross-trained during the onboarding to cover, however Dedicated agents unfortunately will result a coverage gap unless you have engaged more than one dedicated agent on your team
III. Standards & Procedures
Patch Management
It is the process of scanning and applying updates available on your machine or software. This is a critical step in ensuring your systems are running in top condition as software bugs, fixes and also security vulnerabilities are addressed by applying these critical patches
  • 1. Windows Patch Scan runs daily at 1PM local time
  • a. Only scanning performed to refresh the latest list of patches
  • 2. Windows & Mac Patch Update runs only every Wednesday at 10AM local time
  • a. Windows users will be prompted to reboot and if declined, will continue to be asked every 4 hours
  • b. Mac users will have Recommended updates installed and no reboot performed automatically

  • 1. Windows Patch Scan runs daily at 1AM local time
  • a. Only scanning performed to refresh the latest list of patches
  • 2. Windows & Linux Patch Updates are only manually installed every last Friday of the Month
  • a. Servers will be rebooted manually as our technicians will be in control throughout

Note: All computers must be restarted on a regular basis to ensure the operating system is able to successfully complete pending system updates and installations. Therefore it is highly advised that all users save your work frequently and restart when prompted.
Please ensure your workstation is online frequently and it will run during the next schedule
Windows users will be prompted to reboot, while Mac users will not see a prompt. In all cases it is strongly advised to first save all your work and allow the reboot as delays may inevitably cause other issues further down
Monthly Maintenance
Monthly Maintenance is the process of keeping Server computers/devices up to date and running fast and secure in an optimal state by regularly performing routine checks, system updates and necessary steps
Once a month, all servers will undergo a maintenance during the allocated downtime window. Servers will be rebooted to install any pending patches as well as checked for any system issues. An update will be sent out once maintenance is completed. All users must be informed and aware that they are not supposed to access the server and related resources during the maintenance window. Any data or work lost as a result is regretable
It is scheduled every last Friday of the month between 10PM to 2AM local time
This is not recommended. Patch management is a vital part of securing your environment from cyber threats. If you opt out, then your entire organization is vulnerable and will cause further issues in our ability to effectively support you